Individual Yoga Classes, group yoga classes, bodywork, breath, meditation and 121 Yoga Therapy in Muswell Hill, N10, North London. Beginner to advanced Yoga training.
Yoga in N10, Yoga Therapy, Therapy in N10, Yoga in North London, yoga Muswell Hill, yoga 121 in N10, individual yoga in N10, yoga exercise, Carl Hargreaves yoga teacher, health, diet, meditation, yoga asana, pranayama, breath work, therapeutic yoga, yoga for back problems, yoga for anxiety, yoga for scoliosis, Yoga 121 ,
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Carl Hargreaves in Crow yoga pose

Yoga classes, individual yoga, yoga therapy and yoga workshops in North London


with Carl Hargreaves

BA Hons MA Oxon

highly experienced yoga teacher and qualified yoga therapist

CYS, AYS BWY,CNHC, Registered
(Centre Yoga Studies, Assoc. Yoga Studies, British Wheel Yoga, Complimentary & Natural Health Care Council)
Representative to the BCYT
(British Council For Yoga Therapy)

Young or old, healthy and fit, elite athlete or suffering severe limitations to health, there are yoga practices suited to you.

A qualified Yoga Therapist, trained to work safely with people who have health problems of all kinds.

The benefits of yoga to performance, to physical and to mental health are well evidenced.


Group yoga classes in Muswell Hill, North London.

We welcome beginners to advanced yoga students.

Ideal for all yoga students who would like to progress sensitively, clarify technique and deepen their yoga practice. Strengthening the body, improving health, energy levels, stamina, and flexibility.

Breath work (pranayama) and meditation are at the heart of yoga practice. There will be challenges suitable for everyone (viniyoga). I’ll weave in yoga philosophy from the Yoga Sutras, sharing the teachings of yoga in the wider sense with you.


Personal practice is the most effective way to learn yoga.

Free consultation to see how Individual yoga sessions can work best for you. A yoga practice is designed specifically to meet the unique needs of each individual. In a one to one yoga session we will talk through your case and establish your needs and preferences. Taking into consideration your circumstances we set about developing the ideal yoga practice for you. This is called “Viniyoga” or correct application of yoga, viniyoga is what makes individualised yoga classes so beneficial.

The practice is perfected together, taught and learnt and then can be done safely at home.

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Yoga workshops in Muswell Hill, North London.

a great way to go deeper than weekly classes.


Sundays  10.30-1pm


A deeply restful dip into a quiet mind.

Emerge recharged and energised.

Some asana and pranayama.

Meditation and visualisation, fundamental yoga techniques for finding peace, increasing clarity, gaining insight and realising teachings on the nature of the self.

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Asana or postures / Yoga exercises.

The incredible physical potential of the body is explored through asana practice, allowing us access to the wonderful possibilities that a healthier, fitter, stronger body allows us. Yoga develops the body while helping us to accept our limitations and work within them.  Being holistic, yoga asana is as much for the mind as for the body. Yoga asana works on all aspects of the body.  Yoga asana involves stretching, strengthening, improving coordination, alignment, stamina.. and so much more.   More advanced yoga asana deeply affects the metabolism, benefits the digestion, the functioning of the whole organism and alters how it manages energy. Yoga asana calms and steadies the mind to prepare for breath work (pranayama) and meditation.


Pranayama is the crown jewels of yoga. Yoga has developed the use of the breath beyond any other system that I am aware of. The benefits of yogic breath-work are great, on both the health of the body and the stability of the mind. The breath is considered the bridge between the body and mind and is an invaluable preparation for meditation.

Mental and physical patterns have associated breathing patterns. Diseases manifest after years of poor breathing. Introducing an improved pattern of breathing benefits the health of the body and mind.

There is no condition that does not benefit from pranayama and yogic breathing exercises offer impressive results to athletes and those interested in greater levels of fitness.


Meditation covers a wide range of techniques and states of mind:

From being in the zone, to visualisations, insights and transcendental states.

The goal of meditation is to have a beneficial affect on the mind and allow greater insight and clarity.

There are numerous mental health benefits covering a wide range of conditions from depression to PTSD.

The ultimate goal of meditation in yoga is to realise the nature of SELF, or to see that we are the pure awareness which is revealed in meditation. Pratyahara, dharara, dhyana and samadhis are yogic methods and stages of meditation.

Yoga Therapy for Health conditions

Yoga enhances health no matter what ailment you may be suffering from, there is a therapeutic yoga practice to help you. Yoga embeds a healthier way of life, improving wellbeing and helps us to accept our health limitations more gracefully and be happy as we are, while we do what we can to improve.

Common conditions benefitted:

  • Structural:  Muscular skeletal type problems
    • Backs, knees, hip, neck etc…
    • prolapse, plantar fasciitis…
  • Respiratory conditions
    • COPD, Asthma, cough…
  • Digestive conditions
    • Chrones, irritable bowel,
    • reflux, hiatus hernia, haemorrhoids…
  • Immunity, Allergies
  • Mental Health
    • Stress, anxiety, sleep, overwhelm…
    • Depression, grief, anger, despondency
    • Dependancy, drugs alcohol, eating disorders
Yoga for Everyone

There is a yoga practice to support us at every stage in life, in times of health and illness.

  • Young People
    • Yoga to grow into the full potential
    • Set up good habits and health
    • Heal insecurity with self knowledge
  • Working lives
    • Yoga to support career goals
    • Or help realise a change
    • Staying sane within busy schedules
    • Finding peace inside
    • Clarifying what is important to us
    • Connecting to what we value
  • Elders
    • It’s never too late to start!
    • Yoga to keep us functioning in a more agile body and mind
    • Gentle practices suitable for more fragile bodies
    • Many aspects of ageing can be reversed
    • Safe practices for every condition
    • Living more fully
    • When our time comes: Dying well
Yoga for Athletes, dancers…
  • Individuals
  • Sports Teams
  • Dance Companies, performers, actors
    •  Athletic performance is improved
    • Prevention and reduction of injury and illness
    • Extended career longevity for the athlete’s at an elite level
    • Yoga meditation get’s the athlete into “The Zone”
    • Improved flexibility, endurance, strength and power
    • Coordination of breath with movement
    • Power of visualisation over performance
    • Greater sensitivity and awareness
    • Presence
Yoga Study Courses

Jnana Yoga

Jnana is related to the word “Knowledge”.

Yoga is also a system of philosophy or psychology, a method of gaining knowledge.

The principles of yoga philosophy are intended to be applied in life, to life, practically.  Applying the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali and teachings found in the ancient texts of Samkhya and The Upanishads… but also modern texts, to a life, lived.

Yoga as a philosophy does not tell you what to think or ask you to believe in unproven tenets of religious faith.  Rather it encourages enquiry, offers valuable perspectives for seeing and discovering for ourselves, helps to clarify and organise our beliefs and knowledge around a coherent central understanding: a key teaching about the SELF.

Knowing who you are, a great deal of the rest that there is to know either falls into place, or if it is unnecessary knowledge, falls away…

Yoga for Business

Karma Yoga

Yoga support in work and business.

  • Consultancy based on yoga principles
    •  Authenticity behind the brand
    • Clarifying why we are here working together
    • Sharing Life together with direction and meaning
  • Yoga improves awareness, focus, engagement
  • Employee Retention
    • Through yoga classes at work
    • Yoga applied to make the work culture better
    • More cohesion and less divisiveness
    • Better communication and honesty
  • Reduced absences and illness
    • Yoga is proven to reduce work absences
      • less burn out less illness
    • Creates and maintains community
    • Helps manage change
    • Being OK with stress and pressure
  • Business Leaders
    • Clarifying what is important to the business
    • Connecting to what you value
    • Yoga to understand the mind.
    • Yoga to maintain your most valuable asset:  You.
  • Exploring business ethics
    • Creating a manifesto with meaning
    • Engaging employees and customers in something greater
    • Integrity in actions: Aligning your principles with practice
    • Greening the workplace environment
      • In collaboration with SIP Partnership.
Yoga for Liberation

Kaivalya Yoga

Yoga can liberate the mind from it’s problems.

The practices of yoga improve the functioning of the mind, making it clearer, less cluttered and improving our ability to focus.

However, it is possible to go further.

There is a deeper SELF that we are beyond the mind.

Yoga can lead to a transcendence of the mind and all it’s problems and issues, through a realisation that leaves all that behind so that we are established in the peace of witnessing consciousness and even beyond what can be described with words…